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What Are Pho Rice Noodles Nutrition?

Pho rice noodles is a very popular food, but do you know what are pho rice noodles nutrition?
We know that pho rice noodles are made from rice, and the strip-shaped rice products made by soaking, cooking and extrusion process are deeply loved by consumers. Here we want to show some pho rice noodles nutrition to you.
 Pho Rice Noodles

1. Protein
Pho rice noodles contains high protein, and we all know that protein is an important substance that constitutes the body. Any activity in life requires the participation of protein, so protein is an indispensable energy substance for the human body. Properly eating some rice noodles can help to supplement the protein.
2. Carbohydrate
Each 100 grams of pho rice noodles contains about 85.5 grams of carbohydrates that can be directly broken down into body energy. So when we feel hungry and weak. Eat a bowl of rice noodles, you can quickly add strength and relieve hunger.
3. Dietary fiber
Pho rice noodles can provide dietary fiber to the body, effectively preventing constipation.
4. Trace element
Pho rice noodles contain a variety of trace elements, and the content of copper in rice noodle is more, and copper is an indispensable nutrient for the human body. It plays an important role in blood, immune system, nerve center, hair and skin.
Because pho rice noodles have the above nutritional value, its customers bring these benefits to the human body:
1. Enrich the blood
High iron content, good absorption, and promote hematopoietic function.
2. Nourishing the stomach and spleen
Rice noodles can warm the stomach and treat stomach coldness. Rice noodles contains protein, carbohydrate and other ingredients that have spleen effect and are suitable for people with spleen and qi deficiency.
3. Improve hearing and vision
Supplement serum calcium to prevent premature aging of hearing and deafness. Vitamin E: It has certain auxiliary effects in the treatment of certain eye diseases.

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