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How to Make Crunchy Chin Chin for Sale?

How to make crunchy chin chin for sale? If you are thinking about this and have decided to start doing chin chin business, then you are very close to success.
About how to make crunchy chin chin for sale? There are two important points. One is recipe, the other is making machine.
 Chin Chin Recipe

About the chin chin recipe, you need to make it according to the eating habits and preferences of the local people. Here we introduce a simple method for everyone.
1. Preparing raw materials: flour, salt, sugar, margarine, vegetable oil, eggs, nutmeg, baking powder.
2. Sift the flour into a clean bowl and add the baking powder, salt and sugar.
3. Add some clean water, margarine and nutmeg.
4. Blend the mass thoroughly so there are no lumps.
5. Add eggs and more water to give the dough the desired thickness.
6. Stretching on a smooth surface with a roller.
7. Cut into pieces of any shape that you like.
8. Let the oil boil in the skillet, pour the chin chin into the oil and cook until golden brown or slightly brown.
9. Remove the cooked chin chin, place them in a sieve and let them cool down. Then the chin chin is finished.
 Chin Chin Production Line

How to choose good chin chin making machine?
With a good recipe, you need a good machine to help you through the entire production process. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a machine:
1. Machine material. Because chin chin is a kind of food, the material of the machine is preferably stainless steel, so as to ensure that the products produced are more clean and hygienic.
2. Stability. A machine with good stability can guarantee long-term and efficient operation. At the time of purchase, go to the factory to test the machine to test the stability of the machine.
3. Degree of automation. The whole chin chin production line include flour mixing machine, dough press machine, cutting machine, frying machine, deoiling machine and packing machine. If you only choose a few of them, then it will not be fully automatic.
After these are all ready, you can start making crunchy chin chin for sale.

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