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Are Potstickers And Dumplings the Same Thing?

Are potstickers and dumplings the same thing? Now let's explain it separately.
Dumpling originated in China and is made of dough sheet filled with meat or vegetables. This common garnish has many different cooking methods. The most commonly used method is steaming, frying, or boiling. And according to different regions in China, recipes and production methods are also differences, but the production principle is basically the same, the dumpling is very popular in China.

Potsticker is a specific type of dumpling, it is made in the same way as dumpling, but the most popular way is frying, while the most popular way of making dumpling is boiling. Potstickers tend to be medium-sized dumplings, usually eaten in two to three bites. They have fairly thick, often homemade wrappers that crisp up nicely on the outside while still being soft and encasing the juicy filling inside.

Beyond that, because the potstickers and dumpling is not the same as the main distribution area, so their tastes are not the same. Some regions like to have some meat in it, while others just want vegetables in it, so in terms of taste, they are a little bit different. They are the same in shape.
So we may say that potstickers and dumplings are the same things and also the different things.

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