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How To Make Ramen Noodles Better?

Ramen noodles are a very common and popular food, but do you know how to make ramen noodles better?
 Ramen Noodles

There are 3 basic methods for making the ramen noodles better:
1. Add salt
Adding salt to flour enhances the interaction between gluten proteins. Therefore, most of the ramen noodles sold in the market are salted, so sometimes the noodle soup may be salty.
2. Add alkali
Adding alkali to the dough makes the ramen noodles stronger, but this damages the vitamins B1 and B2 in the flour, making it less nutritious.
3. Add egg
The protein in the egg white will strengthen the noodles, while the lecithin in the egg yolk will make the noodles smoother and more nutritious.
 Make Ramen Noodles Better

Besides the raw materials, the making process is also very important. Delicate making can make the ramen noodles better.
The ramen noodles sold on market always made by machines, and for ramen noodles machine, The more rollers the machine has, the smoother and more stringy the noodles will be.
Finally, when cooking ramen noodles, use this method can make ramen noodles better.
First, cook the noodles until they are half cooked, then remove them and put them into cold water. After cold, continue to cook in the pot, the noodles will be more gluten. This method can re-arrange the starch molecules, the texture is more compact, the proportion of slow-digested starch rises, and after eating, the digestion rate will be slower, which is beneficial for controlling the blood sugar rise after meal.

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