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Are Noodles Bad for You?

 Are noodles bad for you? I think is not. In contrast, they are good for you. Why i think so?
The first, the noodles contain low calories, and the noodles absorb a lot of water during the cooking process. 100 grams of noodles are cooked and become 400 grams.
Second, noodles have the characteristic of suppressing appetite, because the digestion of noodles in the stomach is relatively slow, which makes people feel fullness for a long time and is not easy to be hungry.
 Fresh Noodles

Third, noodles can break down fat, because noodles contain no fat, which keeps insulin at a normal, stable level, thus maintaining long-term stability of blood sugar.
Fourth, noodles can provide enough energy. Noodles are rich in carbohydrates and provide enough energy, so they are suitable for lunch. The noodles absorb a lot of water during the cooking process, and 100 grams of noodles are cooked and become 400 grams. Therefore, it can produce a strong feeling of fullness. In addition, noodles can stimulate people's thinking activities, and the human brain and nervous system need a food with 50% carbohydrates. Noodles are such a beneficial ingredient. Durum wheat contains B vitamins, which have a stimulating effect on brain cells. So eating a bowl of noodles with reasonable nutrition at noon is a good choice.
 Wide Fresh Noodles

Fifth, eating noodles can increase satiety but not gain weight. Every 150 grams of cooked noodles contains 1 gram of fat, 7 grams of protein, 40 grams of carbohydrates, and calories are 180 kilocalories. It is not a fatty food compared to some high-calorie, high-fat foods, but it is especially people feel full. Because many studies have shown that slow-acting carbohydrates can increase satiety, there is no risk of getting fat if you take the right amount of noodles every day.
In summary, noodles are not bad for you, they are good.

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